The Soybean Oil Value Calculator estimates the economic cost of refining U.S. soybean oil versus the cost of refining soybean oil
from South America, primarily Argentina and Brazil.
The tool enables data input and analysis of soybean oil value by individual users.
Standard costs displayed are based on data collected by the survey, but the calculator can
also utilize data from the user based on unique knowledge and experience.
Samples of crude degummed soybean oil from U.S., Argentina, and Brazil were collected
from either soybean crushing facilities or vessels in South Korea and India, two key
international customers of soybeans and soybean oil. Samples were tested at a laboratory for
quality factors associated with impacting refining costs.
Data from the sample results are used as default values in calculator, including
assumptions specified for Neutral Oil Loss (NOL), Free Fatty Acids (FFA) and Color, by origin.